Why We Should Stop Treating Sex as a Taboo Topic

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    Jan 18, 2023, 12:03 pm643 pts

    Sex shouldn't be a taboo subject; it is a normal part of life. The human race needs sex in order for it to thrive. However, due mainly to religious values (which have shaped Western society), people are reluctant to discuss it openly. Studies show that the vast majority of people are areligious today. Therefore, it makes no sense to hold onto the belief that sex is something dirty and not worth discussing.

    This post will cover this topic in more detail, explaining why sex is important, how it benefits people, and why the conversation around it needs to become more open.

    Natural Expression

    Sex is completely natural. It's not something that you should be ashamed of. Your sexual desires and interests are a reflection of your personality and self. However, if you are reluctant to express your desires to people physically, you do have other options. Thanks to the internet, porn has never been more available. In addition to there being millions of porn videos online, there are also porn reviews that you can read to get an idea of a video's quality. If you do plan on watching porn, then try to experiment with different things. Exploring your sexuality can be a good way of learning about yourself, as, after all, porn is a natural expression of your identity. You can even have custom porn created for you if you want to. This kind of porn is expensive but is a great investment if you have unique interests.

    Healthy Exercise

    Something else that's worth noting about sex is that it is a good form of exercise. While sex alone is not enough to keep you in good physical condition, it's a great way of burning calories, building muscle, and having fun. The more energetic sex is, the better it is for you. When you're having sex, try to go for as long as you can. The longer you last, the more of a workout it'll be. If you only last a minute or less, then sex isn't going to have much of an impact on your physical health.

    Stress Relief

    Stress is something that affects the lives of more or less everybody. Some people are worse at dealing with it than others, though. If you're somebody who does not respond to stress well, then sex could be a good solution. Studies have shown that during sex, happy hormones are released. These hormones serve as an anesthetic to stress, depression, and anxiety. If you experience a lot of stress, then try to find somebody to have sex with. Having sex will help you to work through your stress and feel better.

    Human Procreation

    As mentioned already, sex is an essential part of life. If everybody stopped having sex, children wouldn't be born, and the human race would go extinct. While it is certainly true that not everybody has sex to conceive, some people just have it for fun, and that doesn't take away from the fact that sex is what keeps our species going. Therefore, as it is an essential part of life, it is something that should be discussed openly. There is no reason (or excuse) for feeling shy, hesitant, or reluctant to talk about having sex when it is integral to our being and existence.

    Sexual Repression

    Because people are so hesitant to talk about sex, sexual repression is very common in society today. More and more people are hiding their sexualities and trying to avoid conversations about them, mainly because they are worried that they'll be judged. Nobody should be judged because of their sexuality. If you are somebody with a unique or less common sexual fetish, hobby, or interest, then not being able to talk about it will probably lead to you feeling as though you need to repress it. Sexual repression can destroy people's lives.

    Open Conversation

    The only way to start having a more open conversation about sex is to start having a more open conversation about sex! Rather than shying away from the subject, tackle it head-on. If anybody brings it up in your presence, then engage with them. Also, if you see anybody deriding anybody else for discussing sex, then confront them and ask them what their problem is. The normalization of sexual conversations can only come when people think that it's normal. Explaining all of the above reasons to people who judge others for discussing sex is a good way to normalize the topic.

    Sex is an important part of life. There's no reason not to talk about it. All of the reasons listed here should be sufficient enough to convince you of that. Never shy away from the subject of sex. Otherwise, the cycle of repression will never be broken.

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