Some drugs get you higher than others. If you are somebody who enjoys getting high, then you need to educate yourself about what drugs do what. Not knowing what different drugs do will mean you are limited in the drugs that you are able to take.
However, it does need to be noted that if you intend on taking drugs, you need to do so safely. This post is in no way advocating for the use of drugs, either. Instead, it is just presenting a list of mind-altering substances, very popular among drug users in the United States. If you choose to use the substances listed here, then you do so of your own volition.

Cannabis is a drug that's widely used and legalised in parts of the U.S. and in Canada. It is a drug that is, for the most part, very safe to use. The only dangerous Cannabis is street Cannabis since it is unregulated and can contain harmful synthetics and additives. The component of Cannabis that's chiefly responsible for the high is called delta 9. There is an additional chemical called delta 8 THC which contributes to the high, too. You can buy both of these chemicals as isolated supplements.
Magic Mushrooms
Magic mushrooms are legal in some countries. In others, they are decriminalised. However, in the vast majority of places, magic mushrooms are highly illegal and users and distributors can be prosecuted. The term magic mushroom refers to a wide range of different psychedelic mushrooms. The high produced by them is psychedelic in nature, which means that they produce hallucinations. If you plan on using magic mushrooms, then do so safely. Make sure you have somebody to sit there with you so that you do not hurt yourself or do anything irresponsible.
LSD or lysergic acid is another very popular hallucinogenic drug. It is illegal more or less everywhere. However, despite the fact that the drug is highly illegal, people use it on an almost daily basis and have been for over half a century. The drug produces a very intense high, unlike any other hallucinogen. While the high produced is not the most intense, it is still unique and an experience that cannot be had with any other hallucinogen, mainly because of the 'head high' that users experience. Again, make sure you have somebody to sit with you if you are taking this for the first time.
Cocaine is one of the world's most widely used recreational drugs. It is illegal nearly everywhere, though some progressive and forward-thinking nations have decriminalised it, meaning users are not punished if they are caught with it, but dealers still are. The use of cocaine is more popular than ever, mainly due to the fact that people are partying and using social media a lot more than they were a decade or two ago. If you plan on using the drug, then invest in testing kits so you can make sure you are not also taking harmful additives and synthetics, added to increase the drug's strength and weight.
MDMA is the powdered form of ecstasy. It is a drug that's taken by people going to parties, raves, and events. Very few people take this drug alone at home or out with friends unless they are partying. The drug is commonly bashed with all kinds of nasty chemicals and additives, which is why it's vital that you buy a testing kit if you plan on buying it. A testing kit will help you to detect anything harmful in your MDMA. Generally speaking, the drug should be brown and crystal-like. However, you should test it even if it looks like this.
Mephedrone (also commonly called m-kat) is a drug that's not as popular today as it once was, though in some parts of Europe police are seeing a resurgence. The drug is, for the most part, safe to use. There have been a few deaths attributed to it, but experts said that these were caused by adulterants and underlying health problems, not the drug itself. Mephedrone is not widely available but is used by people who're going to parties and raves quite frequently (in parts of the world where it is used).
Heroin is considered by many to be the world's 'most evil' drug (if you can attribute evil to a chemical). The drug causes thousands of deaths each year. In recent years, it has been bashed and adulterated with fentanyl, which is why so many people are dying. In and of itself, heroin is a reasonably safe drug to use. The problem with heroin tends to be that it gets people hooked. It is a lot safer to smoke it than to inject it. If you do plan on using it, then smoking is safer and less addictive.
Opioids are a category of drugs, that heroin falls under. It's worth mentioning this category of drugs, however, because they are very popular. Synthetic opioids in particular are very popular. In the United States, there is actually an epidemic of synthetic opioid use. Users of synthetic opioids tend usually to be young people. The reason that their use is not so much of a problem in Europe is where people cannot easily get their hands on them. However, in Europe heroin is a big problem, as is codeine, a pharmaceutical opioid that's widely available.
Finally, another drug that's used by people going to raves, and that can be very bad for your health, is amphetamine. Amphetamine is widely available and can be found in many different parts of the world. It can be very bad for your health, mainly because it can take several days to wear off, which means that users tend not to sleep for two or three days, while they try to come down from the high. In terms of overdoses though, they are not common, so the drug is safe in that respect.
Drugs are more popular than ever. People of all ages use them. If you plan on using any of the drugs listed here except for Cannabis, then make sure that you buy a testing kit, verify that you have what you paid for, and use only safe amounts. Again, this post is in no way condoning or advocating for the use of drugs.